2022 Drama, Mystery, Thriller USA, Georgia Director Giga Agladze Stars Jim Sturgess, Antonia Campbell-Hughess, Andreya Pejic,Michael Socha, Orla Brady Production Company BA Production Sales representative Cinema Management Group Distributor Gravitas Ventures Produced By Giga Agladze, Max Gottlieb, Joanna Plafsky, Jonathan P. Shaw, Lasha Mindiashvili, Vano Bakradze Exec. Producer David Lynch Visual Effects By Vako Agladze, Giorgi Goguadze Colorist Vako Agladze Camera Arri Alexa Mini, Arri Alexa XT Lens Cooke Anamorphic 2X
Awards: 2022 nominee Septimius Award – Best European Film, Giga Agladze 2022 nominee Septimius Award – Best Screenplay, Giga Agladze 2022 nominee Septimius Award – Best Producer, Giga Agladze, David Lynch
An architect is diagnosed with a rare eye disease, entering him into a surreal reality in which he sees people’s true motives. As the visions become intolerable, he falls for a mysterious woman and confronts the truth about his own identity.