Konstantin Esadze

Keep Smiling

Comedy, Drama
Georgia, France, Luxembourg
Director Rusudan Chkonia
Stars ia Sukhitashvili, Gia Roinishvili, Olga Legrand, Tamar Bukhnikashvili, Nana Shonia
Production Company Agat Films & Cie
Distributor Pro Vzglyad
Produced By Rusudan Chkonia
Co-Producer Nicolas Blanc
Colorist Elie Akoka
Camera Red One M-X 5K
Lens Arri Ultra Primes

keep smiling

2012 Napoli FF Winner Best Film, Feature Film
2012 Tallinn Black Nights FF – Winner Don Quixote Award;
2012 Tallinn Black Nights FF – Nominee Grand Prize
2012Venice FF – Nominee Fedeora Award, Best Film
2012 Antalya Golden Orange FF – Winner International FF Competition Award, Special Jury Award
2012 Antalya Golden Orange FF – Nominee International FF Competition Award, Best Film
2012 Abu Dhabi FF – Nominee Black Pearl Award

10 women, seven of them belonging to the poorest population, are desperately trying to win a beauty contest for mothers who have more than 3 children. The winner will get an apartment and $25000.

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